The Complete Guide, how to Create Suitable Content for Social Media

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The Complete Guide, how to Create Suitable Content for Social Media: Many modern companies, brands, or even public and influential people need to get the most followers for their pages on social media platforms.
In order to have a large number of followers and be able to interact with the, you must create relevant and quality content for them that they need and affect.
And don’t think that after you know how to create the right content, you have done all the tasks. Another important step is scheduling the content you have created.
In order to know how to create content and how to schedule it, you should read this article which will provide you with all the enough information you need.

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The Complete Guide, how to Create Suitable Content for Social Media

  • Define your goals through your social media strategy
  •  Find your audience
  •  Find your competitors
  •  Choose the platforms you want
  • Content creation
  •  Create a content calendar
  • Publishing the content
  •  Analyze the results
  • Evaluate your performance and make any necessary changes

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What is content scheduling?

  1.  The importance of scheduling content
  2.  How to create content scheduling?
  3.  Select the platforms that are important to you
  4.  Define your audience for each social media platform
  5. Monitor your competitors
  6. Create a list of content
  7. Find content sources
  8.  Create a calendar for all content
  9. Use scheduling tools
    The date of publishing the content and knowing what to publish for each platform on social media
    Steps to achieving success on social media
    Having trouble choosing your platforms, how to deal with them, and creating the right content?

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How do I create content on social media platforms?


First: Define your goals through your social media strate

Can I skip this step? It is impossible to get past this point because if you skip it, you will spoil all the next steps. The goals you need to reach and achieve must be identified. Among the importance of this point is that it determines the type of content you will provide and how often you need to publish content on your platforms, it also determines which platforms are most suitable for you, which will provide you with your needs and make you reach them. Your goals may be:

  1. Increase your brand awareness
  2.  Build a good reputation for you
  3.  Increase revenue
  4.  Increase the number of followers
  5.  Staying competitive
  6. Increase traffic
  7.  And other more

As mentioned, for each goal you want to reach it defines the type of content you provide, and we will now mention the type of content for each goal:
• Increase your brand awareness: The content is presented in an educational and cultural way and put video clips.
• Build a good reputation for you: Publish content summarizing reviews and testimonials.
• Increase revenue: The content appears in the form of advertising and promotional.
• Increase the number of followers: Putting content that draws their attention to be new and different.
• Staying competitive: Content looks similar to competitors’ content.
• Increase traffic: Put links in website, links to promotions, and more.

Second: Find your audience

You have to define your audience so that you can show them the content they need in order to get more engagement from them.
This audience can be defined in advance. For example, if you are a brand owner and you have a website, in this case you have defined the audience when preparing your strategy.
In order to define your audience, you can:

  1.  Think about who is buying your product or service.
  2.  Look at your competitors and see their audience and followers.
  3. Think to whom you are offering this product or service.

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Third: Find your competitors

You can use your competitors to take inspiration from them only with the ideas and content they provide and formulate a strategy for you, but always make sure that you do not imitate them, as mentioned, take inspiration from them.
Through them, you can learn about then content they provide, how many visits they have, who their followers are, and there are other things like:
Their style: you can through their platforms about their style. For example, do they have their own terminology or is there style interesting.
The way they engage with their audience: You can get ideas on how to engage with their audience and follow them. For example, do they quickly solve the problems facing the public.
Count of posts: You can see how often content is published on each platform and whether or not all of their posts have a high level of engagement.
The type of content they provide: For example, you can specify which platforms they post content on, the way your followers engage with that content, and whether the content is text, images, videos, links, ads, etc.

Fourth: Choose the platforms you want

As we mentioned in the first point, setting your goals will determine which platforms will achieve those goals for you. You can identify the platforms where your audience takes the most time, or you can find out which platforms they use the most from your competition.
As you know, there are many social media platforms such as:
• Twitter
• Facebook
• Instagram
• LinkedIn
• YouTube
• Pinterest
• Snapchat

Fifth: Content creation

Content formats vary. Content can be:
• Video clips
• Pictures
• GIFs
• Links
• Texts
• Graphs
• Written content
But you should know that all social media platforms can post the different forms of content we talked about earlier. We take each platform individually and tell you what content can be posted on it:
• Written content
• Pictures
• GIFs
• Video clips
• Links
• Graphs
• Written content
• Video clips
• Graphs
• Pictures
• GIFs
• Links
Instagram is a company owned by Facebook, but the presentation of its content id different from Facebook as it is a platform that relies a lot more on photos and videos than on written content.
You can post written content on Instagram, but users of this platform prefer photos and videos more.
The content format on Instagram is:
• Pictures
• GIFs
• Video clips
• Graphs
• Video clips
• Pictures
• GIFs
• Written content
• Graphs
• Links


YouTube is videos only and is a preferred platform for many users. Users of this platform spend about a billion hours a day.

Whatever your industry, YouTube has it all and when you use this platform you will get many advantages, including that videos are one of the best ways to connect and interact with audience.
When you create a YouTube video, you can use the content inside the video to use it in another way to show it on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others.
It is a platform that differs from other platforms in that its content from Pins can be similar to Instagram as it is also heavily based on images.
The format of the content on Pinterest is:
• Pictures
• Links
• Written content
Content is provided via Snapchat in the form of photos or videos, but these photos and videos have a specific validity and when that period expires they disappear (but the sender can choose a Snap).
If you don’t post a story, the videos and photos will only be available for 24 hours.
It is a platform that needs a different strategy.

Sixth: Create a content calendar

When you create a content calendar for each of your social media platforms, you guarantee your success and continuity on these platforms.
Your continuity is very important because when you publish content continuously and permanently, your users and followers feel that you care about them and therefore do not forget you.
Each platform has its own calendar.

Seventh: Publishing the content

Did you feel tired and stressed?
Of course yes, the previous steps require effort and time, but it’s time to rest a little.
With the previous step, you can use the calendar to schedule content for each platform individually. Its best to use tools that help you schedule it, like Hootsuite.

Eighth: Analyze the results

Don’t think that the last step is to publish the content. There is also an important step, which is your analysis of what you have posted for each platform. There are platforms where the analytics service is available such as, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
You analyze the performance and audience engagement on those posts, the number of likes, comments, shares, and the best forms of content that get the most engagement, and you can determine when the audience interacts the most.
Always monitor your platforms.

Ninth: Evaluate your performance and make any necessary changes

This step answers some questions to see how strong your marketing strategy is, here are the questions:

  1. Is the format of your chosen content appropriate?
  2.  Did you use the calendar, scheduling, and other tools appropriately?
  3.  Did you choose the right platforms?
  4.  Are there any problems I am currently facing?
  5. Do I need to make any modifications?

What is content scheduling?

Simply consider the idea of a personal calendar that you make. For example, you set seven o’clock to get up, 8 o’clock to go to work, and so on.
Content scheduling is the same idea. You set specific dates for each content you’ve written so you know when it will be shown on your social media platforms.
So you prepare the content for the time it is shown on those platforms.

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The importance of scheduling content

One of the advantages of scheduling content is that through the calendar you can learn about holidays and occasions, and thus publish the appropriate content for those days.
It also reduces a lot of stress and worry about the idea of when to show a post and what is the right date to show it, and it reduces the thinking and planning of when to show content and what things need to be edited, which can take a lot of time.
Influential companies and individuals need to be very present with their followers and interact with them constantly, and to get to this point you have to schedule content, as it is very important for your followers and audience because they feel that you are posting content permanently and continuously, and so you are interested in it and its presence.

How to create content scheduling?

You should know first that each company has its own content scheduling that is different from any other company, and it depends on the scope of the company.

Here are the steps for scheduling content:

Select the platforms that are important to you

There are some companies that post the same content on all the different platforms on social media, which is a big mistake because every platform has a way of posting the content.
And here you will find that you are wasting a lot of time and to exclude the idea of wasting and exhausting time, choose the platforms that will provide you with your needs and you will also find that they are worth the time.

Define your audience for each social media platform

As we defined in the previous point, each platform has its own post which is different from any other platform, so each platform has its own audience.
Analyze your platforms and analyze the audience of this platform, what are the things they like and need, and which posts they interact with and share the most.
You may notice that your audience is similar across your different platforms, and this point will help you decide what type of content to offer on your platforms.

Monitor your competitors

You should always keep an eye on your competitors to see what content they provide, who their followers are, what are the most favorite posts of their audience, what social media marketing strategy they follow, and many other things.
Therefore, you need to keep an eye on what they do and try to take from them ideas that will help you in your strategy, but be careful not to quote them because you will lose a lot.
These competitors have more than one social media platform, so you need to jot down the points you notice for each platform and the number of likes, comments, and shares from their audience.

Create a list of content

Now is the time to create content after you have taken a lot of ideas and know what kind of content you are going to provide so you have to create content and define content for each of your platform.

Find content sources

In this step you have to select a different set of content and this step can be a bit tricky since there is time sensitive content and there are calendars that mark when the content will be published.
Currently, a question may come to your mind: What does time-sensitive content mean?
This means that you must publish this content on your platforms at a specific time. If you post this content before or after the specified date, you will run into a problem.
In order to select time-sensitive and non-time-sensitive content, you can save the content URL in Word or Google DOC and select time-sensitive and non-time-sensitive and when you do that, here you are scheduling the content.
And be very careful to forget to specify the content that is published on your website, many people are interested in social content and forget about web content.
Always make sure that when you publish the content, whether on the website or on different social media platforms, you will find a lot of visits (↑ traffic) and thus increase the number of audience and followers.

Create a calendar for all content

There are many ways to create a content calendar, the simplest way is to open a Google Sheet and create a new tab for each month and you can color each platform a different color to make it look easier for you.
With these different colors, you will know how often you will create content for each platform.

Use scheduling tools

There are many tools used for scheduling content on social media sites, and there are both free and non-free tools.
One of the best tools for scheduling content is Buffer. It gives you the advantage of placing all your platforms and schedules the content for all the platforms, so upload the content to Buffer and you will find that this content is automatically published on the given dates.

The date of publishing the content and knowing what to publish for each platform on social media

The date of publishing the content and knowing what to publish for each platform on social media


Among the most popular platforms on social media, hundreds of millions of people use it on a daily basis. One of the advantages of Twitter is that if you set up a solid strategy, you will have loyal followers who want to see your tweets on a daily basis.
Tweets that users type are limited to 280 characters, but private messages aren’t limited to those characters. So, Twitter is used to get attention and trends right now.
One of the advantages that Twitter provides is the analytics service that helps you analyze your page “Twitter Analytics” and this service is free for Twitter users and you can also track your data on website.

How to post on Twitter:

Write a short text but at the same time describe the entire look and put an image that attracts attention and can add a link to your existing site.
Posting time on Twitter:
You can tweet all day, but the preferred time to tweet varies from company to company.
For example, if someone offers a business-to-customer (B2C) service or product, the best time to tweet is between Thursday and Sunday, as this is considered the end of the week and the beginning of holidays.
But if someone offers a business-to-business (B2B) service or product, the best time to make tweets is between Monday and Wednesday, because that’s their working time.
Most Twitter users post content from noon to sunset and at 5pm.

Number of times posted on Twitter:

It is preferable to create tweets from one to five times a day. This doesn’t mean that you should make five tweets every day, but that you should post at least one tweet per day.


One of the most used platforms on social media, there are about 2.7 billion Facebook users.
If you are a small business that’s caters to a small town in the country, then the Facebook platform is not for you.
Like Twitter, Facebook provides analytics “Facebook Analytics” which is also free.

How to post on Facebook:

The most preferred type of content that Facebook users prefer is the content that contains attractive texts because it explains a certain thing that the image cannot communicate and also the images, but it should be attractive and the links so that you can transfer them to your website also you should make sure to share and interact with them through comments because they feel like you are always there.

Posting time on Facebook:

Keeping an eye on your competitors in the same niche is a good thing so that you can know the best time to post content on Facebook, as it is often 1pm when the number of posts is high, and 3rd in the afternoon when you have a lot of likes.


Instagram is a company owned by Facebook, and it is one of the most important platforms that post pictures and short videos, and the users of Instagram platform are mostly young people.
There are advantages in the video is that when you shoot a video, before you upload it, you can put a “visual filter” on it and Instagram stores all your photos and videos in the profile.
Instagram has an analytic feature “Instagram Analytics” so that you can monitor your account.

Posting time on Instagram:

The best time is Monday, which is between 3 and 4pm, and as we mentioned that the ages of the users of this platform are young, so you will find that the use of Instagram increases during the school and university holidays.

Number of times posted on Instagram:

You can post from one to two posts per day.


It is a professional platform that is used to search for jobs, companies and employers who offer vacancies to the, and you can also use it to get reliable and thoughtful information, so that you can create your blog of all the certificates you have obtained your various skills, and many other information about you.
Fresh graduates, seniors, young adults, even high school students, and of course business owners use this platform in many different countries.
LinkedIn is similar to Facebook in the way you post, but in order to be successful with this platform, you need to know very well the way you use the data.
For example, in the event you want to present new ideas to your audience and customers, you may need direct data or there is research that supports these ideas, but this research must be at a high level until you find that you are getting the results.
With LinkedIn, you can ask questions or post links to important articles that may interest you in order to make it work.
If you want to analyze your LinkedIn page, you can use Google Analytics or internal analytics on the platform.

Posting time on LinkedIn:

Post on working days from Sunday to Thursday apart from holidays because it is a professional and dedicated platform for jobs.
It is often used early in the morning, from about six until eleven in the morning.

Number of times posted on LinkedIn:

Preferably, you publish monthly content periodically, so that the total number of posts per month is about 20 posts.


A you know, YouTube is a platform for video, it’s one of the biggest platforms for using videos, and it’s the second most popular search engine (Google is first). Every minute on YouTube, users upload 300 hours of videos.
YouTube has an infinite number of videos across the board, so you cannot watch all the videos on this platform.
It is one of the platforms that you must have if you are a business owner and company because you are a trusted source in your field.
You can post all the videos that you want to discuss a topic about, such as how to prepare something or important information for your product or service, but the most important thing is that the video is very valuable, so don’t put anything that has no value or meaning.
After uploading the video to your YouTube page, you can take the video link and put it on your website or place it on other platforms.
It is preferable to put the video link on the site and different platforms so that you can get as many traffic as possible for watching the video.
YouTube provides you with a “Time on Page” service, which tells you how successful a video is and whether it’s getting attention.
YouTube has a panel that makes it easy for you to analyze your page, or you can use Google Analytics.

Posting time on YouTube:

The two most popular days for videos are Friday and Saturday, because they are days off and holidays, and they are between 9 and 11 in the morning.

Number of times posted on YouTube:

It is recommended that you make a schedule for the clips you want to download, and this schedule will be on a weekly basis.


It is a marketing platform in which you can place images and graphics to attract the attention of audience through “Pins”, whatever the nature of the companies. If you offer your product or service to a company or B2B or B2C, you can easily achieve success with it.

How to post on Pinterest:

Post the content and of course it doesn’t get quoted, so it’s one of your ideas and put it in cheerful colors and the content is eye-catching and the image you upload should have a specific focus, because, for example, images with large backgrounds don’t work effectively.
It is always a good idea to include text and hashtags in the post.
Pinterest has the advantage of analyzing through “Pinterest Analytics” and at the same time you use “Google Analytics” for your site.

Posting time on Pinterest:

Like YouTube, Pinterest is used on Fridays and Saturdays, roughly from 8 in the evening until 11 in the evening.


Like Instagram, Snapchat works on photos and videos and is one of the social media platforms for marketing your products and services.
But what differs between Instagram and Snapchat is the validity of the duration of the video and photos. After the expiration date of the video or photos, you can no longer watch them and from this you may feel like news channels, so the news should be shown at a specific time. If you view it after the specified time, you will find that it has absolutely no value.
To be successful on this platform, you can pay an ad or create a following, or you can use both methods. You promote your page with custom QR codes and they give people to add you when the photo is taken.
Now you have a number of followers, the next step is to take photos and videos then put them in the story, but know that this story ends only 24 hours after its release and this story is shown to all your followers and you can see who are the people who visited it.
There is a service called “Snaplytics” that analyzes your page or you can use third-party tools to analyze your page.

Posting time on Snapchat:

There is no preferred time to post content on Snapchat but you can track when audiences react to your posts and identify the times when they are most engaged.

Number of times posted on Snapchat:

Enough once a week.

Steps to achieving success on social media

Continuity and Scheduling of content

Each social media platform differs in the number of content posted, so you need to take 10-20 minutes to set a window for where to post new content and then choose the days when you will update your pages.
For example, are you going to update LinkedIn once a week or YouTube once a month, so focus well and schedule updates while fully sticking to the schedule you’ve created.
The importance of continuity ensures that your followers are always interested in them and their needs, thus you will increase interaction with your audience and follower. When you select a specific day, for example, Thursday to post a story on Snapchat, followers will wait on Thursday to see the story.
Therefore, you must create a specific schedule and stick to it because then you will find that there is a huge success for your various social media pages and platforms.

Brand continuity

By always owning your brand, your followers will be able to understand whether you are a traditional company or a company that always wants modern and serious things, and whether your brand is fun or loving, you will find that they know the characteristics of your brand.
The goal here is to match your characteristics with those of your customer base and audience.
When they find that their traits are exactly the same as yours, different social media platforms will thrive and continue to be successful.

Having trouble choosing your platforms, how to deal with them, and creating the right content?

Eureka DM is one of the companies that have a lot of experience in the field of social media marketing. We have experts and a fully equipped team to know all your requests and goals and fulfill those requests.

We help you choose the content and method of presenting it, and we also help you choose the platforms through which you can effectively and consistently succeed on social media.
All you have to do is call the following number …….. or contact us online.

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